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Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah Al-Infitar

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

When the heaven is cleft

And when the stars fall off

And when the seas are flown away,

And when the graves are scratched,

Each soul shall then know what it has sent forth and what has been left behind.

'O man, what has deceived you with regard to your Lord, the Noble one.

Who created you, then perfected you, and then proportioned you.

Into whatever from He willed, He fashioned you.

Nothing but you belies the judgement.

And undoubtedly, above you, are some guardians.

Honourable, scribes.

They know what you do.

Undoubtedly, the righteous are in bliss.

And undoubtedly, the evil doers are necessarily in Hell.

They shall enter it on the Day of Judgement.

And they will not be able to hide therefrom.

And what you know, what the Day of Judgement is'.

Again, what you know, what the Day of Judgement is'.

The day when no soul shall have power for any other soul. And the entire command on that day is of Allah.

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