Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. | |
Alif-Lam-Raa. These are the verses of a Book and of a Bright Quran. |
.1 |
The infidels would desire ardently that they had been Muslims. |
.2 |
Leave them to eat and enjoy and let the hope may amuse them now then they are about to know. |
.3 |
And the town We destroyed it had a writing known |
.4 |
No community can precede its promised time nor it can fall behind. |
.5 |
And they said 'O you upon whom Quran has been sent down, you are certainly a madman.' |
.6 |
'Why don't you bring angels to us, if you are truthful.' |
.7 |
We do not send down the angels without any purpose and if they come down, they would not get a time. |
.8 |
No doubt, We have sent down this Quran, and We most surely are its Guardian. |
.9 |
And assuredly. We sent messengers before you amongst earlier peoples. |
.10 |
And not any messenger came to them, but they mocked at him. |
.11 |
In the same way, We make a way for this mockery in the hearts of the culprits. |
.12 |
They believe not therein. and already the example of the ancients has gone forth. |
.13 |
And if We open any door for them in the heaven that they may ascend through it in the day. |
.14 |
Even then they would say, 'Our sights have been tied, rather we have been mesmerized.' |
.15 |
And We have indeed made constellations in the heaven and have adorned it for the beholders. |
.16 |
And We have guarded it from every accursed Satan. |
.17 |
But whoever goes to hear stealthily, then he is pursued by a bright flame. |
.18 |
And We have stretched the earth and put therein anchors, and caused to grow therein everythingproportionately. |
.19 |
And We have provided for you therein means of livelihood and also for those you provide not for |
.20 |
And there is nothing of which there are not treasures with Us, and We do not send it down but with a knownmeasure. |
.21 |
And We have sent winds fecundating the clouds, then We sent down water from the heaven. Then We gave itto you to drink, and you are not its treasurers. |
.22 |
And verily it is We, Who give life, and We Who cause death and We Who are Inheritor. |
.23 |
And We do know those who went ahead among you and We do know those who remained behind among you. |
.24 |
And verily your Lord alone will raise them on the Day of Judgment. No doubt, He is the Wise the Knowing. |
.25 |
And verily We have made man from ringing clay, which was in reality black smelling mud. |
.26 |
And We have made Jinns before from the smokeless fire. |
.27 |
And recall when your Lord said to the angels, "1 am about to create human-being from the ringing clay whichis of the black smelling mud." |
.28 |
Then when, I had formed him and have breathed into him of My special esteemed spirit, then fall down for himprostrate. |
.29 |
Then all the angels fell down prostrate together. |
.30 |
Save Iblis. He refused to be with the prostate. |
.31 |
Allah said `O Iblis, what happened to you that you did remain aloof from the prostate.' |
.32 |
He said 'It is not befitting me that I should prostrate myself before a human being whom You have made fromthe ringing clay which was of the black smelling mud.' |
.33 |
Allah said 'Get out from the paradise, for, you are rejected.' |
.34 |
And verily there is curse upon you till the Day of Judgment. |
.35 |
He said 'O my Lord, give me time till the Day when they are being raised. |
.36 |
Allah said 'you are among those who are given time. |
.37 |
Till the Known Day. |
.38 |
He said 'O my Lord, I swear of that. You led me astray, I will deceive them in the earth, and certainly I willmislead all of them. |
.39 |
But those of them who are Your selected bondmen. |
.40 |
Allah said, 'This path leads to me straight.' |
.41 |
Verily, over My bondmen you have no control, save those misguided ones who follow you. |
.42 |
And verily, Hell is the promised place of them all. |
.43 |
It has seven entrances. For each entrance there is an appointed portion of them. |
.44 |
No doubt, the God-fearing are in the gardens and fountains. |
.45 |
Enter them with peace, in security. |
.46 |
And We took out whatever rancorous were there in their breasts, they are brothers among each other, sittingupon couches facing each other. |
.47 |
Neither any fatigue touches them, nor shall they be driven out there from. |
.48 |
Inform My bondmen that undoubtedly, I am the Forgiving, the Merciful. |
.49 |
And that the torment of Mine is the torment painful. |
.50 |
And tell them about Ibrahim's guests. |
.51 |
When they came to him, they said 'peace'. He said 'We feel afraid of you.' |
.52 |
They said 'do not fear, we give you glad tidings of a son possessing knowledge.' |
.53 |
He said, 'Do you give me glad tidings inspite of the fact that old age has touched me.' of what then you giveme the glad tidings'? |
.54 |
They said 'We have given you the glad tidings with truth be not disappointed.' |
.55 |
He said, 'Who is disappointed of the Mercy of his Lord but those who have gone astray.' |
.56 |
He said 'What now is your business O Messenger. |
.57 |
They said 'We have been sent towards a guilty people. |
.58 |
But the family of Lut We shall save them all. |
.59 |
But his wife, We have decided that she will be among those who remains, behind. |
.60 |
Then when the messengers came to the household of Lut. |
.61 |
He said, 'Verily, you are a people stranger.' |
.62 |
They said 'Nay, we have brought to you that in which they were doubting. |
.63 |
And We have brought to you the true Command and we are surely truthful. |
.64 |
Therefore go away with your family whilst a portion of night is left and you yourself follow then and let no oneof you look back and go straight whither you are Commanded. |
.65 |
And We made known the decision of this Commandment that the root of these infidels shall be cut off bymorning. |
.66 |
And the residents of the city came rejoicing. |
.67 |
Lut said 'These are my guests, therefore disgrace me not.' |
.68 |
And fear Allah and defame me not. |
.69 |
They said "Had we not forbidden you, against the interference in the matter of others'. |
.70 |
He said 'These women of my people are my daughters if you are to do. |
.71 |
'O beloved' by your life, verily they are wandering about in their intoxication. |
.72 |
Then a roaring cry overtook them at sunrise. |
.73 |
Then We made the upper side of that town lower side and rained upon them stones of baked clay. |
.74 |
No doubt, in that are signs for men of sagacity. |
.75 |
And obviously that town is on the road that still exists. |
.76 |
No doubt, in that are signs for the believers. |
.77 |
And no doubt, the dwellers of the thicket were assuredly unjust. |
.78 |
Then We took vengeance on them; and no doubt both these towns lie on a manifest way. |
.79 |
And no doubt, the people of Hijr belied the messengers. |
.80 |
And We gave them Our signs, but they kept their faces away from them. |
.81 |
And they used to hew out houses in the mountains without fear. |
.82 |
Then the roaring voice overtook them in the morning. |
.83 |
Therefore their earning did not avail them. |
.84 |
And We created not the heavens and earth and whatever is between them without any purpose And no doubt'the Hour is to come therefore pardon graciously. |
.85 |
Certainly, your Lord is alone the great Creator. The Knowing. |
.86 |
And no doubt, We gave you seven verses, which are being repeated. And the Grand Quran. |
.87 |
See not stretching your eyes the thing, We gave to their some pairs to enjoy and grieve not over them. Andtook the Muslims in your wings of mercy. |
.88 |
And say 'I am the plain warner.' (From the torment) |
.89 |
As We have sent down on the dividers. |
.90 |
Who tore the Quran. into pieces. |
.91 |
Then by your Lord, We shall certainly question them all. |
.92 |
What they used to do. |
.93 |
Therefore say them openly what you have been Commanded, and turn away your faces from the polytheists. |
.94 |
No doubt, We suffice you against those mockers. |
.95 |
Those who set up another deity against Allah, then they will now know. |
.96 |
And We do indeed know that your heart straitens at what they say. |
.97 |
Then praising your Lord, speak glory of Him and be of those who prostrate. |
.98 |
And remains worshipping your Lord till death comes to you. |
.99 |